We have enough

The world has changed and we need a new way to recalibrate the system. Disadvantage is growing and it’s everywhere, it’s people like you and me who are struggling to manage increasing costs of living. While government and NGOs focus on KPIs, while they remain in silos – people are falling through the cracks.

I’ve learnt a few things over 30 years – its not about the money, we have enough and we can do better to protect the most vulnerable. You see I’m passionate about the individuals and organisations that are doing it anyway without government funding because they are collaborative and innovative without the bureaucracy that often comes hand-in-hand with government funding.

I see the work of people like Reverend Bill Crews and Exodus Foundation – he fills a gap in our society and works with the forgotten people (those that don’t fit neatly into a service type or offering). Rev Crews feeds 1000 people a day through his Loaves and Fishes restaurant – he is not funded by government but is supported by corporates, individual donations and hundreds of volunteers. He leverages the social capital in the community and provides not only a hot meal but a sense of dignity for those who are struggling to keep up with increasing costs of living.

Volunteering at Exodus is an eye opener – you meet families, older people, young people who without the service would be on a very different trajectory. I’ve been volunteering with Loaves and Fishes restaurant  and it is my favourite place in the world to be real – I love getting to know the people I serve and their unique stories. I am humbled by the fact that the people I meet are happy – they appreciate every little thing – the sunshine, a hot meal, a kind word and a conversation.